
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the frequently-asked questions for the following topics:

How can I find the E4E's professional development, workshops or service that works for my organization, school district or school?
How long does it take to set up an E4E professional development, workshops or other services?
What professional development, workshops and services does E4E offer?
Are credits available for attending an E4E professional development and workshops?
How much does E4E's professional development, workshops and services cost?
What payment methods are accepted?


How can I find E4E's professional development, workshops or services?
E4E’s Professional Services Staff will work directly with you to tailor our professional development, workshops and other services to fit the specific needs of your organization, school district or school.  We also offer other services, Professional development and workshops open for individual registration.

How long does it take to set up an E4E professional development, workshops or other services?
E4E can conduct most professional development , workshops or any other services within 2 to 4 weeks depending on the specific needs of your organization,  school district or school.  E4E does have the capacity to provide rushed services in less than 2 weeks, though an additional fee may apply.

What professional development, workshops and services does E4E offer?
All E4E’s professional development, workshops and services are designed to your specific needs.  In addition, E4E has prepared, in advance, a list of possible professional development, workshops and services you may find helpful to your school or school district.  To view the complete list, please visit http://www.educators4education.org/services.html

Are credits available for attending an E4E professional development and workshops?
All workshop attendees are eligible to receive an E4E certificate with credited hours for each workshop that they attend. ACT48, ACT45, graduate school credits and continuing education units/credits maybe earned for some trainings. E4E may be able to set up continuing education units/credits for other workshops on a case-by-case basis. Please contact E4E for more information.

How much does E4E's professional development, workshops and services cost?

E4E’s services are always designed with your school or school district’s budget in mind.

Our Professional Services Staff will help your create professional development, workshops or any other services that are cost effective and within your budget.

What payment methods are accepted?
E4E accepts all major credit cards, checks and payment vouchers. Funding approval or proof of payment is required at the time of registration.